Monday, January 10, 2011

Overcoming Public Speaking

Al and I had a great experience this weekend. Our niece, Tamra Carter, has been in a competition to start her own business for the past nine months. During that competition she expirenced having to overcome limiting beliefs, self sabotage, and fear. She came to us several times throughout the process to work through some of those issues and we shared with her some of our processes that we use to help others to overcome those same issues.

With those processes and her determination to implement them in her life, Tamra shared with us that she felt more confident than before. She continued on with the competition and became one of the top five finalists! As one of the top five finalists the demands on her time, energy, and skills became quite overwhelming as she realized she had even more fears to overcome. It was at that time that Tamra advised us that she wanted to do the last part of the competition mostly on her own, as she knew it would boost her confidence and help her learn self-reliance.

The last month of the competition we watched from afar as Tamra handled every situation in her own way and succeeded to all she put her mind to. Including overcoming one of her biggest fears of overcoming public speaking, which is the most common fear, outranking even death! In order for her to overcome her fear of public speaking she used several of our processes such as;
Creating a Compelling Self-Image
Circle of Excellence
Sargent Phobia Release Process

and more.

She was so excited when she called us the Sunday after the competition to report that not only did she win the competition and a grand prize of $40,000 towards her business, she also gained self confidence and overcame her fear of public speaking. She went on to tell us that she now feels confident that whenever she runs into a situation she now has the tools and the support to overcome obstacles.

Congratulations Tamra and thank you for honoring yourself by finding processes that work for you!

-Al and Marilyn Sargent

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