Monday, February 7, 2011

How to tell what Side of the Brain is being used

Ultradian Rhythm for Face Lateralization
The Ultradian Rhythm of moving from one hemisphere to the other, as seen in a person's face lateraliation, occurs naturally about every 90 minutes. By being able to calibrate the face, this will indicate which side of the brain a person is processing in more dominantly in that moment. This is useful to notice as a communicator. Since the processing filters of the two hemispheres are quite different, you ability to have this knowledge will help you to be most respectful of a person's style of thinking and to present information and influence in their mode.

The side of the face that has the most space between the eye and mouth, has the widest opening eye and lifted eyebrow and is most relaxed, is open to receiving information from the outside world more dominantly, which activates the opposite hemisphere for processing.

Left lifted face and mouth suggests right hemisphere dominance at that moment in time.

The side of the face that is more tense, the eye opening is narrowed slightly, and the space between corner of mouth and edge of eye is slightly contracted indicates that this is the same side of the brain the person is more dominantly thinking in at the moment.

If you would like more information on how you can practice this technique and other useful information you can purchase a copy of, "The Other Mind's Eye" at this link. for only $14.95!

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