Monday, December 20, 2010

Freedom from Food Compulsion

Before you chastise yourself for "lack of will power", consider this. Did you know that these seemingly irresistible cravings may not have anything to do with the food itself? As many people who struggle to lose weight and/or eat healthfully only to succumb to self sabotaging behavior know, the problem is often not the diet itself, so much as the underlying emotional issues that sabotage our motivation and choices. You've probably heard the phrase, "It's not what you're eating, it's what's eating you."

Often, the food is a representation of some other issue that has mistakenly been hooked together by the brain as a substitute for what we truly need in order to take care of ourselves. This association essentially buries the real cause and covers it by creating a food compulsion. People might go through their entire lives experiencing both the unpleasant effects of the compulsion as well as the limitation of the underlying issue, never able to feel free to live the life they desire.

Luckily, there is a process that will help. Developed by Al & Marilyn Sargent, the Anchors Away Process gives you a whole brain perspective, leaving you with complete choice about having the food item, or not, so there is no feeling of deprivation or loss. This gentle and amazingly quick process can free you to experience your life without the limitations that reacting inappropriately to the environment can inflict.

Stop letting food run your life! RePower Your Self!

Al & Marilyn Sargent
Success Design International

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