Monday, December 27, 2010
The Other Mind's Eye: Hemispheric Intergration
Many NLP techniques use alteration or mapping across of sub-modalities in order to elicit change in internal perception. The content of what we see, as well as how and where we see it, makes a difference in how we respond to it emotionally.
This concept goes even deeper into our reaction to sub-modalities. What we see in our "minds eye" can also effect internal and external auditory, along with what we feel kinesthetically both tactily (touch), and proprioceptively (visceral) for the imprinted event. In other NLP techniques we begin with an image and change sub-modalities to create a new experience, often just guessing at what sub-modality change will be the difference that makes a difference. By using the Hemispheric Integration model we are accessing the different sub-modalities that already make a difference for the individual explorer automatically.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
9 Steps to Establish Rapport & Ecology for Working Together
The following is a process called The Hemispheric Eye Model Foreground-Background, first introduced at the NLP World Health Conference at the University of Santa Cruz in June 1997. By doing this exercise you will be useful and powerful in your life.
As a coach and a guide, you will be able to use these steps to help establish rapport and ecology.
Step 1:
Explain and demonstrate the current external dominant eye. This step shows that there is a difference, and will assist in determining the internal dominant eye.
Step 2:
Have Explorer think of a challenging person with whom they would like to have a more resourceful initial internal response or reaction. Example: Supervisor, coworker, relative or neighbor. To begin with I suggest you pick a moderate example - a five on a scale of one to ten.
Step 3:
Elicit the Explorer's sub-modalities paying particular attention to:
Visual - associated or dissociated, clarity, color, movie or still picture, panoramic or framed, size and location.
Auditory - internal and external, volume, location and content.
Kinesthetic - tactile, proprioseptive, and emotional evaluation.
Guide calibrates external cues, checking carefully for ecology.
Step 4:
Say to Explorer: "Get a sense of which internal eye you're seeing that picture with. " Note response. After response guide says, "After checking inside and in a way that is just right for you, shift your internal dominant eye to the opposite eye so that you will be seeing that person now with a new perspective."
Guide note any change in external cues.
Step 5:
Elicit any differences in sub-modalities, paying close attention to any shift in emotional response.
Step 6:
Identify which picture the explorer wants to leave foreground, and which to leave background. Leaving one of the pictures background balances ecological issues.
Step 7:
Assist Explorer in establishing foreground-background by asking them "What would make that picture stand out?" Often changing color and intensity or size will make the difference.
Test for response and adjust as appropriate.
Step 8:
Check to see what follow up work is needed.
Doing this process may allow other issues to surface such as belief changes or re-imprinting.
These may be dealt with at a later time.
Step 9:
Future pace the new choice the Explorer now has to adjust their Hemispheric Integration.
You can find out more at
Monday, December 20, 2010
Freedom from Food Compulsion
Often, the food is a representation of some other issue that has mistakenly been hooked together by the brain as a substitute for what we truly need in order to take care of ourselves. This association essentially buries the real cause and covers it by creating a food compulsion. People might go through their entire lives experiencing both the unpleasant effects of the compulsion as well as the limitation of the underlying issue, never able to feel free to live the life they desire.
Luckily, there is a process that will help. Developed by Al & Marilyn Sargent, the Anchors Away Process gives you a whole brain perspective, leaving you with complete choice about having the food item, or not, so there is no feeling of deprivation or loss. This gentle and amazingly quick process can free you to experience your life without the limitations that reacting inappropriately to the environment can inflict.
Stop letting food run your life! RePower Your Self!
Al & Marilyn Sargent
Success Design International
Monday, November 29, 2010
Conditions for Updating Beliefs
Inner thoughts, voices, and feelings that limit possibilities and seem to make no logical sense, are interjects and rules from other times, people and places. We may have been 'brainwashed' into agreeing with external messages in order to survive in a dysfunctional system. At one time the limiting behavior may have been perceived as our only choice. In current reality, these imaginary thoughts become the hidden saboteurs that stop us from achieving our goals and experiencing inner peace of mind and happiness.
If we have an inner voice or thought that is blaming, accusing or punishing us, we are creating it internally, not on purpose, of course! Since we can internally create messages of negativity, then we can also create internal messages of possibility.
It is all about how we Choose to Create Choice to Live Our Lives.
Marilyn & Al
Monday, November 22, 2010
by Allen C. Sargent
We all experience grief on any number of levels. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, the tragedy of a national disaster, changing jobs or households, or simply the transition from one stage of life to another, each passing effects us and our ability to respond to the world resourcefully. Grief is a natural part of our life cycle. How, then, do we respond in a way that honors this process while still allowing us to function in a healthy, productive manner in our daily lives?
Moving Through Grief With Grace And Dignity will show you how to respond to tragic events and loss the way the human brain was designed to respond.
You Will Learn:
* How to sort out what aspects of moving through grief are naturally effective...
* Which commonly accepted phases of grief can be eliminated...
* Why the traditional "Stages of Grief" can actually keep you stuck...and what to do about it...
* And more.
RePower Your Life
Al & Marilyn Sargent
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Words Don't Change People - Experience Does!
A study done by the British Journal of Social Psychology in 1978 describes the ratio of influence in communication between the verbal and non-verbal aspects of delivery. Their research shows that when we are in communication, 55% of the meaning comes from the non-verbal aspects of the environment and delivery, 38% is received through the actual tone, tempo and analog marking of the words, and 7% of the understanding comes from the actual words used.
All language is influential. Whatever is said, we have no choice but to create internal images in an attempt to understand the meaning. We form an internal response automatically. For instance, think of a pink elephant riding a blue bicycle. Notice your internal VAKs. Now, don't think of a pink elephant riding a blue bicycle. Notice that it is the same experience initially in the VAKs - we have to think of it first in order to then attempt to not think of it. When we understand that the unconscious mind can only process words that create the internal experience, we can learn to be much more precise in our delivery. We encourage you to be careful to create word pictures of what you do want, rather than attempting to get results by asking for what you don't want. This would be like going to the store with a shopping list of items that you don't want - this could lead to some very frustrating shopping trips!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Getting Beyond the Phobia Using Your Other Mind's Eye
Phobias, PTSD, and panic attacks are devastating and inappropriate reactions to a stimulus. Learn to correct this confusion in the limbic system using Sargent's Phobia Release Process with Anchors Away. Now it's possible to discover the actual danger, updating limiting beliefs, and create a Compelling Self-Image for congruency.
RePower Your Life!!
In the workshop that Al & I taught at the IASH Conference in October, we taught others how to be thorough in healing the underlying trauma that is causing phobic reactions, PTSD, and panic attacks. Behind every phobia there are precipitating events from which limiting beliefs are formed about who we are (Identity), what is the world (Environment), or who we are in the world (Internal - External Reference).
As in any technology, new discoveries, information and expertise fine-tune and replace old rituals. Al Sargent's development of the Anchors Away Process provides a technique to update the information held in the Amygdala in the limbic system of the brain. The Anchors Away and Hemispheric Integration technology are integral parts of the Sargent's Phobia Release Process.
A phobic response is being directed from only one hemisphere of the brain. Traditionally, NLP phobia processes have served as a pattern interrupt of the coading of this visual image. We learned from Sargent's 1996 discovery of The Other Mind's Eye that the other hemisphere of the brain holds valuable information as well - you might be literally using only half a mind to think!
Sadly, whatever caused the fear reaction originally still has not been resolved or honored. Limiting beliefs will continue to manifest in other somatic or emotional reactions until the underlying confusion or challenge is appropriately resourced.
As a leader, coach or practitioner, Anchors Away is a must to add to your tool box of skills. The Sargent's Phobia Release Process, also includes Marilyn Sargent's method for unhooking limiting beliefs, plus Creating a Compelling Self Image with a specific behavior.
We had such a great time teaching these skills and tools and we will be adding examples of the phobic reactions and the actual danger that we have seen in our processes.
Create Your Life Through Choice
Al & Marilyn Sargent
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Keeping up with New Technology
sometimes faster than we feel we can keep up.
"What do I need to know, how do I assimilate the new info quickly,
what are the directions to make this widget work?
Hurry, faster, faster, you have to keep up…"
There is amazing progress in how we communicate using our technical devices:
phones, computers, books on machines, and the new "faster/easier"way of sending and receiving information such as downloads of all kinds, th e world wide web, the social networking of Facebook, Linkedin and twitter and more. Yet, how often do we check in to update our inner "technology" to make sure we are thinking (or processing) in a way that supports our current life requirements and our desired results and relationships?
The foundation of our thinking patterns govern how we approach and use
the hardware and software of our inner and outer computers.
Time for a tune-up!!
The Life Stategies Coach Training and Certification seminar gives you some of the ways we teach you how to use your brain to get what your heart wants. Learn the latest tools for updating your database of information that governs how you communicate with yourself and with others.
If you are not getting the results you are wanting, if you notice that you keep falling victim to the same structure of interactions - find out how to use both sides of your brain to create a clarity in how to get what you want, feel fulfilled by following your passion, and make connections that are healthy for all involved.
You are invited to join us this October 22nd - 24th
for 3 days of transformitive growth and learning to help you to RePower Your Life with Choice, Not Chance.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Al & Marilyn Sargent
11850 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90025
(877) SDI-MIND / (877) 734-6463
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Your Last Opportunity
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Legend of Little Star
As the little star looked around at all the bigger stars, his eyes were filled with their brilliance. They were so bright and beautiful that the little star allowed his mind to drift off to the somewhere worlds that would someday admire their beauty.
He personally knew one of the starts that would appear as part of Orion's Belt to the inhabitants of a small planet in the Milky Way Galaxy called Earth, while to the perspective of others on a larger planet in a galaxy far from Earth, he would appear as the tip of the beak on The Great Eagle.
He was proud to be seen with his friend, and especially liked it when his star friends would introduce him to the other big stars as his little buddy who can make rainbows in the daytime.
Of course to Little Star, the fact that he could make rainbows in the daytime was no big deal. "After all," he would tell the others, "that's not really what stars are for," as he held back the little sparkles approaching his eyes in the form of tears.
You see, what Little Star wanted more than anything in the whole universe was to be a big and beautiful star like the others. Although Little Star was small in stature, he made up for it with an abundance of pride, so he was always able to chose back the sparkles before any of the other stars could see his sadness. He had no way of knowing at that time how much the other stars liked him, or that they already knew his was a very special purpose.
As the bid day approached when all the stars in the Omniverse had their position assignments and were getting last minute instructions about their gravitational effect in the universe that was about to be formed, something happened that Little Star would remember forever. He me The Great North Star.
He'd never seen The Great North Star up close before, and was somewhat surprised that in the presence of his magnificent brilliance he felt a comforting warmth that enveloped him with love. The Great North Star broke what seemed an eternity of silence. "Are you ready for your journey?"
"Huh! Who me?" conveyed Little Star's confusion. "Why of course you", replied The Great North Star. "But why me?," asked Little Star, "surely I don't have a place in the universe, why, I don't even give off light." "And besides, if I did, I'm so small nobody could see me anyway."
The Great North Star laughed, and knelt down beside Little Star. "Of course you have a place in the universe," he said, "in fact, yours is a very special place, one that is the envy of all the big stars". "But I don't understand," said Little Star.
The Great North Star continued, "You see, all the big stars give energy and meaning to the universe in their way, and you in your way." Still confused, Little Star asked for more. "While the big stars offer beauty and direction in the nighttime sky, you will bring a connection of oneness to a special spirit many years in the future, and unlike the big stars, yours will be a daytime gift when all the big stars, other than the sun, will be asleep."
"From your gift, and the gift of the sun, people will be able to see the colors of the rainbow on a storm less day." "Do you mean", asked Little Star, "that I will be a special star for just one special person?" "That's right," said The Great North Star.
Little Star was so excited that he could hardly wait to meet his special person. "Patience," chuckled The Great North Star, "it will still be a long time before you meet your destiny. Only when the time is just right will your individual beauty be appreciated, and many things need to happen first."
"In the meantime, your job is to gather energy from all the love and honesty in the rest of the universe, and when your time comes you will be a gift to the person who can appreciate all that you bring to their world." Little Star thanked The Great North Star and began his journey toward his destiny.
With this gift, Little Star at long last meets his destiny.
"What is your destiny?"
--Al Sargent
Friday, September 24, 2010
We Need Your Opinion
So in order to give you the most comprehensive and useful information relevant to your coaching and leadership needs, we value your requests and ideas for skills and tools that will make your job easier and even more effective.
We have put together a fun survey for you to fill out. And in appreciation for completing the survey, you will receive a free report on Using Procrastination as a Strategy for Success.
Just click on the link below and have fun!
Click here to take survey
RePower Your Life with Choice not Chance
Al & Marilyn Sargent
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Other Minds Eye
Several years ago Allen Sargent took a journey to find his path in regards to healing and helping the mind heal. He discovery has helped thousands realize their own potentials and begin their own journeys into healing.
He learned that visualization is the key to identifying and then getting what you want in your life. Allen Sargent's revolutionary discovery of a second "mind's eye" allows us to see our lives from both sides of the brain. Accessing this second hemisphere opens doors that we didn't even know existed ~ until now.
With his book, The Other Minds Eye - The Gateway to Hidden Treasures of Your Mind, you will...
* Discover the secret of turning your dreams into reality.
* Learn how to visualize for immediate results.
* Stop reacting to people who "push your buttons" by removing the buttons.
* Easily change habits like overeating, smoking and procrastinating.
* Remember names and information precisely.
* Create a healthy self-image for success and happiness.
"This book will give you access to the riches that lie within your subconscious mind. It's a quantum leap for personal change. I recommend it for everyone!" Dori, Gol Professional, San Diego, California
"I lost the extra pounds I had been carrying around for years after I created a self-image of 'the me' I wanted to be in both of my mind's eyes." Joan, District Mgr., Phoenix, Arizona
"I am delighted to be using the original and creative information in this book with my clients. They are getting amazing results quickly and easily, and these results last." Jonathan Rice, PhD, Clinical Psychology, Austin, Texas
Allen Sargent is an international consultant, trainer, and researcher in the field of personal empowerment. He has sicovered a new technology that allows access to both hemispheres of the brain on purpose. As the creator of the Hemispheric Eye Model, Al is recognized as the leading expert in the world on how to use this information to help people take charge of their own lives.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Releasing Life Long Phobias in 20 minutes
We did the most amazing Anchors Away process with one of our participants this weekend! While in the Life Strategies Coaching Class, a spider happened to be crawling near one of the students and she went into a phobic reaction - heart palpitations, "eek", shaking etc. Later in the workshop, she became our demo for the Sargent's Phobia Release process. She reported that "as far back as she could remember, she had always been overly afraid of spiders," - and the fear was of "being poisoned." Al did the process with her in about 15 to 20 minutes and at the end she had discovered what the underlying and true danger was - "Toxic People!" Now she can let spiders be spiders AND she can set appropriate boundaries with people who could be harmful to her spirit, emotionally or physically.
About an hour later Al offered that he had seen a spider under a chair in the garden if she wanted to "test out" her new response. She followed him to the patio, tilted the chair over so she could see a fairly large spider under the leg - all of the life-long phobic reaction was gone! Her comment was, "Hmm, he is big isn't he." She was amazed and delighted to be free from the over-the-top reaction to something that naturally occurs in our environment - while still having choice to be respectful of them. And, now she can be aware, watch out for, and set boundaries with toxic people.
It is so rewardting to be able to relieve unneccessary suffering and to guide people to having ecological choice in their lives! We are teaching the Anchors Away process at the IASH convention in Octover this year and we have a DVD product of a woman who had a phobia of birds in one of our workshops a few years ago. And we will be presenting the Life Strategies Coach Training and Certification workshop again Octover 22, 23 & 24 where we teach students this versatile process.
We look forward to connecting with you!!
Create Your Life By Choice!
Al & Marilyn Sargent
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Don't forget to register for the next Life Strategies Coaching Class!!!
Update Your Skills to Save Time While Earning More Money!
Create Choice - Change Your Life
Become a Certified Life Strategies Coach*!
August 20-22, 2010
See below for more information!!!
See you there!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
How can you save time while earning money?
Update Your Skills to Save Time While Earning More Money!
You & a friend are invited!
Create Choice - Change Your Life
Expand Your Business
Become a Certified Life Strategies Coach*!
August 20-22, 2010
Did you know that when we experience any event in our lives, we actually record that memory in both hemispheres of our brain, with separate and unique pictorial representations? If we are stuck using perceptions from only one hemisphere predominately, choices are limited and personal issues remain unresolved.
Learning conscious control of which hemispheric image to utilize broadens the range of choices and responses available to us. Imagine being able to understand and access the brain as it was designed to be used - enabling you to make full use of all thought skills on purpose.
Being able to access both "Mind's Eye's" opens doors that we didn't even know existed - until now!
In these 3 days you will learn:
* Useful language & calibration skills to gather precise information about how your clients think so that you can best guide them to achieve results.
* How to create a road map to move a client from being stuck to being successful with a Well Formed Outcome.
* A working knowledge of the cognitive styles of each hemisphere of the brain and how to activate or install missing resources.
* How to "unhook" from people who push your buttons.
* Release phobic responses, food compulsions, and performance/text anxiety.
* The process for creating an Inspiring & Compelling Self-Image with a new behavior your client desires.
You can become a Certified Life Strategies Coach* AND learn the Life Strategies you need to coach yourself!
You will also learn the foundations of our exclusive technology -
Hemispheric Integration is being used successfully to:
* Release Phobias, Anxiety, PTSD
* Change Unwanted Habits like Smoking, Procrastinating or Overeating
* Set & Attain Life Goals - Take Charge of Your Life
* Improve Communication Skills/Resolve Conflict/Negotiate Successfully
* Remove Past Trauma/Update Limiting Thought Patterns
* Improve Business Productivity & Achieve Professional Goals
* Improve Relationships/Family Issues
Learn Life skills that will Transform & RePower Your Life & Career
RePower Your Life Now - Sign Up Today! Tuition: Only $599
*Save 10% for bringing a friend or college each! Home Study students get a special savings of $100!
Sign Up Now and Get This FREE BONUS!!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Unhooking People Who Push Your Buttons
Tamra came to us several years ago and needed help RePowering her life. As an excellent student, she learned quickly and put a lot of the trainings to work in her life. After a while Tamra wanted more in order to be able to help others share the same re-powerment and life changes she experienced. It was at that time in her life that Tamra came to one of our Life Strategies Coaching classes in order to learn new skill and tools and possibly start a career as a Life Strategies Coach.
The class was mid-sized and had some of our greatest students in attendance. They were all gathered together to learn skills such as:
* useful language and calibration skills
* How to create a Well Formed Outcome
* Recognize and resolve inner conflicts or hidden agendas
* How to create a healing map for long lasting change
and most life changing for Tamra was the
* How to "unhook" from people who push your buttons.
As Tamra says, "This class helped me release old patterns, create new responses and let go of unhealthy relationships that were stopping me from my happiness and success."
Congratulation Tamra and we look forward to seeing more of our work carried out into the world.
Re-Power Your Life,
Al & Marilyn Sargent
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
4 Common Traits of a Coach
So what are some common traits of a coach?
1. A coach is an individual who has the tools, focus, wisdom, intent, and knowledge to elicit a client's values, goals, and beliefs and then is able to create a plan of action and strategies for success in business and personal pursuits.
2. A coach is someone who is able to remain focused on the client's outcome without becoming attached to it by maintaining the flexibility to be an exquisite guide.
3. A coach is a model for success by remaining congruent in his/her own life and how he/she lives it. For a coaching-client relationship to be effective, the coach must remain congruent and be trustworthy. This can only be achieved by creating rapport and demonstrating respect and honesty. A coach is a congruent model for success in how to be proactive in life.
4. An effective coach creates a relationship of trust and respect and offers a broader perspective of truth because of the emotional distance the professional relationship offers.
Spencer Institute Coaches are trained to listen to their client's words, observe their actions, and become aware of the way their client currently interprets the world around them. Intelligence is about having fine distinctions about a topic or field. The finer the distinctions, the more wisdom or perception is available. Our program will teach the coach fine distinctions about human behavior. By identifying limiting strategic filters and beliefs through close observation of verbal and non-verbal patterns, the Spencer Institute Coach elicits solutions and facilitates resolution of conflicts.
Join us for our next coaching class at the Spenser Institute Aug 20th - 22nd.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
RePower Your Life
is happening cognitively for a person, he or she may literally be using only half of the
information that is coded in their brain to deal with a particular situation or event. Missing is an
integration of thinking; an amalgamation of right and left brain perspectives. Hemispheric
Integration™ opens up new possibilities by teaching us how to access our “other mind’s eye,”
or that half of the brain which “sees” things other than what we may consciously be aware.
Research demonstrates that the brain codes “reality” differently in each of hemisphere of the
brain. When we think of events or experience imprints from past traumas, unique cognitive
perceptions are being generated by each amygdala, one located in each hemisphere of the brain.1
Therefore, for every situation two distinct cognitive perceptions are at play. The left hemisphere
is responsible for logical, linear thinking, analytical evaluations and historical and familiar
information. The right hemisphere is concerned with spatial relationships, the essence of self,
personal safety, emotionally charged memories and the assimilation of unfamiliar facts and
To read more about the discovery and science behind Hemipsheric Integration click on the link below...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Other Minds Eye - Preface
Young Johnny is walking home from school when a car drives by and one of the teenage occupants of the car throws a water balloon that hits Johnny on his left leg. Instantly, two separate impressions are simultaneously imprinted into Johnny's memory, one in the left hemisphere of his brain which is responsible for logical linear thinking, and another in his right hemisphere which is more interested in the processing of spatial relationship.
These two related yet separate perceptions of the same event are emotionally coded according to the specific qualities and interests of each hemisphere of the brain. In the left hemisphere of Johnny's brain the information may be coded as a simple case of three teenagers who were bored and wanted to have some fun. With this understanding, Johnny is most likely going to continue on his way home, change into some dry clothing, get a snack, maybe do his homework, and go to a friend's house to play. Having this perception of the event, it is unlikely that Johnny will be affected in a way that is more than an inconvenience.
In Johnny's right hemisphere, however, the same event could have a more far-reaching effect on him. His right hemisphere is more concerned with how he is personally involved in the situation and how it may affect his safety. His right hemisphere might perceive this event more like the following. Three big teenagers out to cause trouble drove by, selected him to terrorize, and threw something at him from a car. Next they drove off laughing at his misfortune, probably circling the block to get yet another shot at him. With this perception, Johnny races home, runs upstairs, and finds refuge in his room as the effects of the stress response fade and his body starts to return to normal. Not only has he lost his appetite for an after school snack, but also he is in no mood to do his homework. Even the possibility of going to his friend's house to play is out of the question, because the teenagers might spot him, and this time he might not escape so luckily.
How Johnny actually responds to a situation similar to this one will generally be somewhere between the examples I have given, since the left and right hemispheres of the brain communicate information back and forth through a network of fibers in the brain called the corpus callosum. Information stored in Johnny's brain from previous experiences will also have an important influence on his response to this event.
Since the most primary and vital functions of the brain involve survival and personal safety issues, the brain automatically responds to and evaluates events that might threaten a person's immediate safety. In most people, the right hemisphere of the brain stores emotionally charged memories, while at the same time, the left hemisphere records a relatively unemotional sequence of events. There are two separate and unique pictorial representations for each event in our lives for which an external visual stimulus has been imprinted.
Think of how often we have heard the phrase "I see it in my mind's eye." Imagine how many possibilities will be opened up by understanding your "other mind's eye." When we recall an event with the right hemisphere's "mind's eye" our response will be very different than if we recall it with the left hemisphere's "mind's eye." Each hemisphere of the brain records and recalls useful information. If we consistently utilize the perceptions from only one side of our brain, our choices are limited, often leaving personal issues unresolved. "I have half a mind to…" is another phrase we often hear people use. If this is descriptive of what is actually happening in our thinking process, we may literally be using only half of our potential.
Learning how to have conscious control of which hemispheric image to utilize broadens the range of choices and responses available to us. Additional benefits result from being able to integrate information from both hemispheres when dealing with an issue.
This book is based on an edited transcript of a two-day seminar given in 1997. Some examples have been added in the process of editing. In this book you will learn how your brain codes information for emotional responses, and how to consciously access information stored in both hemispheres. You will also learn simple step-by-step techniques to help you use your entire brain to get what you want in life. The participants (whose names were changed to respect their privacy) offered valuable insights, and asked some very interesting questions. I believe their questions will help to answer questions you may have as you read this book.
If you need more information, contact:
Success Design International
11850 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(877) SDI-MIND (734-6463)
(949) 713-4936 In Southern California
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Create Choice!
Awaken Your Other Mind’s Eye with the
Hemispheric Integration™ Wisdom Model
Cognitive-Emotional Realignment: Hemispheric Integration™ provides the tools to access and influence the deepest structure of our thinking by aligning left brain factual perspectives with the right brain emotional feelings. This ability to update our personal data base creates immediate and lasting change.
Wisdom Mastery:
Hemispheric Integration™ is an effective and efficient field of study for developing wisdom that creates balance and harmony between our mind and heart in both hemispheres of the brain at multiple levels of awareness.