Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Keeping up with New Technology

New technology rapidly outdates the old,
sometimes faster than we feel we can keep up.

"What do I need to know, how do I assimilate the new info quickly,
what are the directions to make this widget work?
Hurry, faster, faster, you have to keep up…"

There is amazing progress in how we communicate using our technical devices:
phones, computers, books on machines, and the new "faster/easier"way of sending and receiving information such as downloads of all kinds, th e world wide web, the social networking of Facebook, Linkedin and twitter and more. Yet, how often do we check in to update our inner "technology" to make sure we are thinking (or processing) in a way that supports our current life requirements and our desired results and relationships?

The foundation of our thinking patterns govern how we approach and use
the hardware and software of our inner and outer computers.
Time for a tune-up!!

The Life Stategies Coach Training and Certification seminar gives you some of the ways we teach you how to use your brain to get what your heart wants. Learn the latest tools for updating your database of information that governs how you communicate with yourself and with others.
If you are not getting the results you are wanting, if you notice that you keep falling victim to the same structure of interactions - find out how to use both sides of your brain to create a clarity in how to get what you want, feel fulfilled by following your passion, and make connections that are healthy for all involved.

You are invited to join us this October 22nd - 24th
for 3 days of transformitive growth and learning to help you to RePower Your Life with Choice, Not Chance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Al & Marilyn Sargent
11850 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90025
(877) SDI-MIND / (877) 734-6463

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Your Last Opportunity

Your last opportunity in 2010 to participate in the Spencer Institute's LIVE life coach training is October 22-24.

Join us in Orange County, CA


We look forward to seeing you there.

Al & Marilyn Sargent
11850 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90025
(877) SDI-MIND / (877) 734-6463