Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Unhooking People Who Push Your Buttons

We are so proud of our niece, Tamra Carter. She has successfully done a class on Unhooking People Who Push Your Buttons and is getting ready to do another one.

Tamra came to us several years ago and needed help RePowering her life. As an excellent student, she learned quickly and put a lot of the trainings to work in her life. After a while Tamra wanted more in order to be able to help others share the same re-powerment and life changes she experienced. It was at that time in her life that Tamra came to one of our Life Strategies Coaching classes in order to learn new skill and tools and possibly start a career as a Life Strategies Coach.
The class was mid-sized and had some of our greatest students in attendance. They were all gathered together to learn skills such as:
* useful language and calibration skills
* How to create a Well Formed Outcome
* Recognize and resolve inner conflicts or hidden agendas
* How to create a healing map for long lasting change
and most life changing for Tamra was the
* How to "unhook" from people who push your buttons.

As Tamra says, "This class helped me release old patterns, create new responses and let go of unhealthy relationships that were stopping me from my happiness and success."

Congratulation Tamra and we look forward to seeing more of our work carried out into the world.

Re-Power Your Life,

Al & Marilyn Sargent

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4 Common Traits of a Coach

Coaching is the process of observation of existing thinking, behavioral and linguistic patterns, setting specific goals, discerning hidden saboteurs and supporting the client in making a plan of action and following it to achieve the desired results. It is creating such a deep respect and rapport, the client feels comfortable, and most of all safe, to move from their "stuck" place to success.

So what are some common traits of a coach?

1. A coach is an individual who has the tools, focus, wisdom, intent, and knowledge to elicit a client's values, goals, and beliefs and then is able to create a plan of action and strategies for success in business and personal pursuits.

2. A coach is someone who is able to remain focused on the client's outcome without becoming attached to it by maintaining the flexibility to be an exquisite guide.

3. A coach is a model for success by remaining congruent in his/her own life and how he/she lives it. For a coaching-client relationship to be effective, the coach must remain congruent and be trustworthy. This can only be achieved by creating rapport and demonstrating respect and honesty. A coach is a congruent model for success in how to be proactive in life.

4. An effective coach creates a relationship of trust and respect and offers a broader perspective of truth because of the emotional distance the professional relationship offers.

Spencer Institute Coaches are trained to listen to their client's words, observe their actions, and become aware of the way their client currently interprets the world around them. Intelligence is about having fine distinctions about a topic or field. The finer the distinctions, the more wisdom or perception is available. Our program will teach the coach fine distinctions about human behavior. By identifying limiting strategic filters and beliefs through close observation of verbal and non-verbal patterns, the Spencer Institute Coach elicits solutions and facilitates resolution of conflicts.

Join us for our next coaching class at the Spenser Institute Aug 20th - 22nd.
